
Working Together: Safety in Our Schools

Even with protocols and procedures, we each have a role to play in keeping our schools healthy and safe.

We can care for and protect each other by:

  • hand washing – wash your hands often and reinforce the importance of doing so
  • wearing a mask when required – learn more about masks in our schools
  • staying home when sick – use the Daily Health Check to determine if your child should attend school that day
  • physical distancing – students and staff are asked to maximize physical distance and minimize physical contact; parents can help support this by reinforcing the importance of doing so and modelling it themselves when on and around school grounds

We’re grateful to everyone in our school communities for working together to support our collective safety and well-being.

We’re also appreciative for the process and protocols for all districts that are led by the local health authority in concert with the Ministries of Health and Education, and the BC Centre for Disease Control.


Posted October 2020